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Chánh Đại
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Chánh Đại 

Creating with code, driven by passion.


Senior Frontend Developer & UI Design Lead @Simplamo

Founder @Quaric

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Social Links


Hello, World! I am Chánh Đại, a Software Developer & UI/UX Designer passionate about creating high-performance, user-centric software solutions with intuitive and engaging designs.

With 5+ years of experience, I specialize in building high-quality web and mobile applications using Next.js, React, TypeScript, and modern front-end technologies. Beyond work, I love exploring new technologies and turning ideas into reality through personal projects.

One of my key projects, ZaDark, enhances the Zalo experience on PC and Web, surpassing 80,000 downloads on SourceForge and 10,000 active users on the Chrome Web Store since 2022.

Let's connect and collaborate!


TypeScript iconJavaScript iconPython iconPHP iconJava iconNode.js iconBun iconReact iconTailwind CSS iconMotion iconMobX-State-Tree iconRedux iconAnt Design iconReact Router iconReact Navigation iconLoopBack iconLaravel iconGit iconDocker iconMySQL iconMongoDB iconRedis iconFigma iconAdobe Photoshop icon



Simplamo Enterprise JSC

Simplamo Enterprise JSC

  • Develop AI Chat and AI Assistant features.
  • Develop Whiteboards with real-time collaboration.
  • Build and maintain the Zalo Mini App for Simplamo with seamless integration.
  • Develop and maintain core features to enhance functionality and user experience.
  • Ensure UI/UX consistency and adherence to standards.
  • Implement robust frontend solutions for web and mobile platforms.
  • Analyze technical capabilities and provide optimal solutions.
TypeScriptNext.jsReact NativeMobXMobX-State-TreeTailwind CSSDifyZalo Mini AppAgileTeamworkResearchProblem-solving
Quaric Co., Ltd.

Quaric Co., Ltd.

In-house Project: Quaric Website

  • Integrated VNPAY-QR for secure transactions.
  • Registered the e-commerce site with for compliance.
  • Developed online ordering to streamline purchases.

In-house Project: ZaDark

  • Build and maintain with Docusaurus, integrating AdSense.
  • Develop and maintain the ZaDark extension for Zalo Web on Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox.
Next.jsStrapiAuth0VNPAY-QRDockerNGINXGoogle CloudDocusaurusExtensionUX/UI DesignUX WritingResearchProject Management
Tung Tung JSC

Tung Tung JSC

  • Rebuilt the app with React Native for better UX and performance.
  • Integrated MoMo and in-app purchases for seamless payments.
  • Optimized deployment for staging and production.
  • Published on App Store and Google Play, ensuring compliance.
React NativeReduxMoMo Payment APIApp StoreGoogle Play StoreAgileTeamworkResearch
  • Designed a Landing Page for enterprise clients.
  • Redesigned the Online Quiz Platform for a modern look on web and mobile.
  • Redesigned the Pricing interface for individual customers.
  • Enhanced UX by improving usability, navigation, and user flow.
UI/UX DesignSketch



Projects is my portfolio website, showcasing my work and experience as a Software Developer & UI/UX Designer.

  • Elegant & Minimalistic UI: Clean and modern design
  • Dark Mode: Supports light and dark themes for a better user experience
  • vCard Integration: Digital business card with contact details
  • SEO Optimization: JSON-LD schema, sitemap, robots
  • Email Protection: Obfuscation to prevent spam
  • Installable PWA
  • Next.js 15: Latest React framework for optimized performance and scalability
  • Tailwind CSS v4: Modern utility-first CSS framework for styling

Blog Features:

  • MDX & Markdown support
  • Syntax Highlighting for better readability
  • RSS Feed for easy content distribution
  • Dynamic OG Images for rich previews
Open SourceNext.js 15Tailwind CSS v4Radix UIMotionshadcn/uiVercel



Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency (CEFR B1)


Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication

@National University of Singapore2022.09.13

Introduction to Databases
